Sunday, 17 February 2013

Durham, How I Love You

Every now and again, I'm struck by just how lucky I am to live where I live.

Durham's such a beautiful city, full of green places and woods, churches and quirky old buildings, and of course the most beautiful Cathedral in England.  I hope that seeing the towers of the cathedral always makes me feel so proud and so in awe.  It's amazing to think about how many people have walked along the same path as I walked today, along the same bridge, sat in the same pew in church... 
The general street layout of Durham has changed so little since this map was made in the 17th century yet the city changes daily, there's always something different. It might be something as small as the blooming of the first snowdrops or as big as the building of a new University building, but we still have the same comforting constants as the cathedral, the castle, the bridges and the churches.

I love calling Durham home.

V x

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