So today marks the end of my second month in Munich! This time two months ago, I'd just landed.
Living in Germany, has taken quite a lot of getting used to. Moving to a new place is strange enough, but moving somewhere where I barely speak the language is another thing entirely! My German has quickly improved (though I don't think I'd be able to have a real conversation) and I can actually find my way around the strange German supermarkets now. And of course, I've drank plenty of brilliant German beer!
I've made some great friends already - both through my internship and through things like knitting. Munich has even started to feel a little bit like home, though I still miss England and Durham.
There's always going to be a few language based misunderstandings! |
I've been exploring Munich and a few other German cities. Heidelberg, Bamberg and Nuremberg were all beautiful - next I need to visit the Bavarian alps and lakes.
Today we went on the slides in the TUM Maths department. I've missed playgrounds :P
The two slides go from the 3rd to the ground floor and are in the shape of parabolas - but really they're just brilliant fun and a good excuse to regress! If only the Physics department had one between my office and the lab.
V x
I'm listening to: Yet more Laura Marling plus a dash of Johnny Flynn and Elbow :)